In this episode...
In this remote-working world, a lot of us spend most of our days at our desks alone. While this might mean more freedom, let’s be honest: it gets a bit lonely sometimes.
So with this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme tackling loneliness, we decided to cook up an experiment: pair up strangers on LinkedIn for 20-minute chats, with a couple of prompts to keep awkwardness at bay.
The result? A meaningful exploration of loneliness through the shared experiences of strangers—covering grief, travel, motherhood, and much more.
About the guest
Strangers brought together by a LinkedIn post.
About Oliva
Oliva is the UK & Europe's #1 rated employee mental wellbeing benefit.
We help companies respond to the pivotal moments that impact mental wellbeing at work and beyond—driving employee retention and exceptional effort.
We do this by:
- Empowering individuals to take control of their mental wellbeing
- Developing manager emotional intelligence
- Helping HR teams create org-wide psychological safety